Collegiate Athletics
If you want to compete in NCAA or NAIA sports, you need to plan ahead. You could could be great at a sport, but you still need good grades and understand which school you will be competing at. The information below will help guide you through that process.
The National Collegiate Athletic Association is a member-led organization dedicated to the well-being and lifelong success of college athletes. NCAA schools award nearly $3.5 billion in athletics scholarships every year and provide vast support to help student-athletes graduate at a rate higher than their general student peers.
To get the most out of college, student-athletes have to succeed on the court and in the classroom. The NCAA provides opportunities to learn, compete and grow on and off the field. The ultimate goal of the college experience is graduation, and college athletes are graduating at rates that are higher than ever.
With so much changing in college sports, rule changes are focused on improving the student-athlete experience. The NCAA is committed to providing a fair, inclusive and fulfilling environment for student-athletes and giving them a voice in the decision-making process.
In 1906, the NCAA was founded to keep college athletes safe. The Association is still working hard to protect them physically and mentally. Through its Sport Science Institute, the NCAA provides recommendations and guidelines to ensure college athletes are getting the best care possible.
Academic Requirements
Valid High School Courses
The NCAA requires that students graduate from their high school with specific courses. Not taking the required courses could result in a rejection from the college you would like to attend and compete for. Please use the following website to search for a high school's list of NCAA courses. You can search by the high school's six-digit NCAA High School Code or six-digit CEEB/ACT Code or, if you don't know the school's NCAA High School Code or six-digit CEEB/ACT Code, you may search by city/state and high school name.
Division 1 Requirements
Division 2 Requirements
Division 3 Requirements
Why Choose the NAIA?
The NAIA is the ONLY athletic association that serves the interests of small colleges through holding national championships and by driving student-athlete enrollment and financial sustainability.
Maximizing Your Return on Athletics®
Return on Athletics (ROA) supports the key priorities of NAIA member institutions – enrollment, student success, and financial viability – by leveraging simple and consistent calculations to maximize the business performance of their athletic departments. Learn more about ROA.
When it comes to collegiate athletics associations, how do you know which is the best fit for your institution? It comes down to priorities. If your school wants to be nationally competitive at a reasonable price, while driving enrollment and supporting the school’s bottom line, the NAIA is the best association for you.
NAIA schools measure success not just by game scores, but by their financial bottom lines, too. Their NCAA counterparts spend an average of 60 percent more on athletics.